A list of individuals, e.g. '60', '3-9,57,58,59,60' or '!42' if negated.


Die Fangzahlen pro Monat, aufgeschlüsselt nach dem Alter (Überwinterungen) der gefangenen Individuen. Zusätzlich sind Monatsmittelwerte von Temperatur und Niederschlagsmenge angegeben.
Catch numbers per month summed over all years, broken down by age (overwintering) of individuals caught. In addition, monthly mean values of temperature and precipitation are given.
The frequency distribution of head-torso lengths of all catches, broken down by age (overwintering) of the individuals caught.
Catch numbers per month summed over all years. Only individuals with the sex information 'f' or 'm' and 1+ hibernations are counted. If the total is less than 10, the percentage value is set to 50% to avoid outliers.
Catch numbers per year. Only individuals with the sex information 'f' or 'm' and 1+ hibernations are counted.
Frequency distribution of migratory distances of all captures, broken down by age (overwintering) of individuals captured. The migration distance is measured from the previous catch of the same individual.

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